If only this was my problem...
Seriously though, isn't it funny how the perception of the perfect female figure has changed throughout the ages? I won't even bother putting up a current "help you look good in a swimsuit" ad from today for comparison because, if you are like me, you are bombarded with them every time you try to open a magazine. Its always crazy to me that we've gone from the sexual icon of Marilyn Monroe (who was reported to wear a size 14) to emaciated Paris Hiltons lollipops. Now, I for one, have never been a "skinny-minny." Even at my teeny tiniest I still had, shall we say, some junk in the trunk. So, I cannot empathize with the skinny girl who feels the need to put on weight. I know you are out there and I'm sure you are suffering... but I'm just here to tell you that if that is your biggest problem in life, then honey, go put on a bikini and enjoy it.
On the other side, I also have never felt the need to be a size 0... Do I want to be thinner? Of course! Could my body use some work? After two kids, I would think so. But never have I felt the desire to crash diet, starve myself, binge and purge, all for the sake of a few extra pounds.
Until I pick up a magazine...
Every other image or ad shows women they are not thin enough, not toned enough, not tan enough, not wrinkle-free enough, not (fill in your own self-esteem crushing adjective) enough!
And for what? Don't get me wrong, I'm all for being healthy and fit. But what concern is it of anyone else's but mine? Certainly not my husband who I know loves me for me (he'd have to after THOSE two pregnancies!) Certainly not my real friends who would still be seen with me at the beach in a swimsuit regardless of the size I'm wearing.
I guess my question is, what is it that is ingrained in us women that makes us care so much? Obviously we are not the only generation to care. The priorities and the ideal image change, but the need to conform certainly hasn't. Wouldn't it be nice if once you could pick up a magazine and every ad told you that you were perfect just the way you are? Sure it would, but then no one would be making any money....
ReplyDeleteHad I been born in Marilyn's era I would have totally fit the ideal... sigh.
ReplyDeleteBut that said, I completely agree--we can only be happy when we accept and love our bodies the way they are!